St Michael's Church

Published on March 29th, 2016 | by Content Admin


Rector’s Letter April 2016


As the Easter greetings still ring out in our churches, we begin to follow the birth of the early church as  new religion is formed full of hope and life and joy.  But all is not well as their leader was crucified as a criminal, the national or state religion rejects there claims and would rather have them ‘hushed up’. Life for the early Christians wasn’t going to be easy but that didn’t stop them, then or now.

Even today society is often unkind to those deemed to be ‘on the fringes’. Those who have their lives ‘together’ can sometimes forget that they’re only ever three missed pay-cheques away from homelessness, or one chronic illness away from disability, or one bereavement away from single parenthood. It’s a sobering thought, but it’s one that should motivate us to gather people around us in love and show kindness to everyone – irrespective of their circumstances.  A circumstance doesn’t define a person; all of us – without exception – are important to God.

The early church knew the truth of the statement- all of us are important to God.  That is they believed and still believe that Jesus’ death was for the good of all people, those of faith and those of none.  Scripture tells us ‘that God so loved the world that he sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him’.

I believe that people still need to hear this message today.  That God loves them. Not because of  who they are, not because of what they have done or not done, not because of the circumstances of their life, but because they are part of His creation, and He cannot but love them.

We live in a society when more people are being marginalised, being told they are not wanted, for not conforming, being a refugee or migrant etc. Surely all people should be valued and loved and not just a few?

In the coming months we will be asked to vote on our membership of the European Union.  As we do so let us ask the question – “What would Jesus do in these circumstances?”  What choice or vote would show his love best?  We have a few weeks to think and pray before we have to vote, let us use that time wisely.

Happy Easter.            Simon


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