St Michael's Church

Published on March 29th, 2020 | by Content Admin


Children’s Corner

The Story of Easter!

On the Sunday morning after the crucifixion Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus with scents of lavender and roses to put on the body and found the stone to the cave was rolled away. While she stood there for a while an angel appeared from the heavens and told Mary that the lord had risen and that she would meet him in town. So with joy in her heart and happy tears in her eyes she ran back to Jerusalem as fast as she could and told everyone “the Lord has risen” but before she could tell Peter and John, Jesus appeared right before them and showed them he was alive. And he said “I am risen!”  The priests thought they had killed Jesus for good, but no how wrong they were. Through the resurrection of Jesus, God showed his love for the whole world and the new hope of Easter. Nothing can conquer his love!

By Theodora, aged 8

Palm Sunday!

Palm Sunday is the day we remember as Christians when Jesus rode into Jerusalem. When Jesus and his disciples were getting closer to Jerusalem he asked two of them to go on to one of the neighbouring villages and told them to get a donkey for him to ride on. The two disciples were very surprised at this and Jesus told them one last thing if anyone asks what you are doing say “the lord needs this he will return it as quickly as he can.” So the two disciples did as they were told and Jesus even told them where to find it! So when the disciples had finally brought the donkey to Jesus (the donkey was very stubborn) He was over joyed and praised the lord singing “the lord has blessed me with this wonderful creature! Oh praise the lord praise him!” When Jesus and his disciples had finally reached Jerusalem there were crowds of people flocked In the streets gathering up to take a glimpse of the son of God Jesus waving Palm leaves and making a path of their Clothes and of palm leaves for him to ride though. The priests of Jerusalem did not like Jesus and the way the people adored him so they marched out into the streets with fire torches shouting “he is not the son of god or he is going to steel your money in the night or things like he is a liar don’t trust him!” They took away the donkey and the streets were deserted the clothes were picked up and the parade finished. But the Palm Leaves still stayed there and that is why it is called Palm Sunday!

By Theodora aged 8

Aynho church for the kids of Sunday club! I hope you enjoy the story.


Mothering Sunday

Pre Coronavirus


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Responsible for uploading pages, posts and images on behalf of Aynho's various societies, clubs and organisations. Content shown here is attributable to the entity being reported.

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