Photographic Society

Published on December 12th, 2017 | by Content Admin


Photographic Society: December Report

Click here to see the complete photograph Winter by Jim Muller

A welcome return to the club was made by John Credland ARPS for our December meeting. John has his own very distinct style of presentation with the accent definitely upon humour. His entertaining presentation was titled “Intensity in Ten Cities”, and he laughingly acknowledged taking his title from an early record album. His theme was preparing a panel of photographs for submission to the Royal Photographic Society for a distinction award. John started by talking about the present trend for the popularity of square format prints, which often seem to be used regardless of subject matter. He then displayed his mounted panel of twenty prints submitted for ARPS distinction. (All square). His theme for the panel was the present nature of city centre activity and buildings. A few centuries ago the main central building in a city would be the cathedral, and the central image within the cathedral is that of Jesus Christ. Today, he argued, the importance of the cathedrals in city centres is being replaced by the massive shopping malls. Attractive stained glass windows are replaced by large advertising posters or even LCD screens exhorting us to buy. His photographs showed various activities of people in shopping centres. Some hurrying and dashing about holding brightly coloured plastic carrier bags and cartons of coffee. Others lounged in doorways sitting on blankets, and street corner preachers appealing to the shoppers passing by, while buskers with instruments entertained the moving mass of people, many of them eating on the move. The predominant style of his pictures was created mainly using the HDR technique, and multiple exposure camera settings to create impact and the sense of movement. John went on to discuss the trend for using multiple exposures in camera and deliberately blurred images, particularly of people on the move. Our meeting continued with photographs for the monthly challenge. This month’s topic was…”I love…..”, interpreted however the author wished. The challenge produced a wide range of images, from children to landscapes. Our next meeting on the 3rd January,  will be held in the Cartwright Hotel Aynho. Our activity will be members displaying their best three images taken during the last year, and a statement of where we took them, why we like them. Our monthly challenge will therefore be held over until February, the theme will be…“I Hate…..”, interpret as you wish! As usual our meetings are open to all, and all are welcome.

Paul Brewerton.  Adderbury,  Deddington and District Photographic Society.

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Responsible for uploading pages, posts and images on behalf of Aynho's various societies, clubs and organisations. Content shown here is attributable to the entity being reported.

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