Photographic Society

Published on November 9th, 2018 | by Content Admin


Photographic Society: November 2018 Report

Click here to see the complete photograph: Lion Cub by Randall Miles

The November meeting of ADDPS was a change from the usual. This evening an arranged co-operation between ADDPS and Banbury Camera Club took place. Three speakers from Banbury Camera Club visited us and gave presentations. Andrew Spackman was first to give his presentation which was titled “What I Decided to Photograph Despite the Advice Of Judges”.   He started with his earliest photographs from the 1970s taken on Ilford film. The series of pictures then showed the progressive development of his experience and personal style, through to todays digital images. Andrew then explained how critique from past judges and their advice had (or had not) influenced his pictorial style development. This was illustrated by images from Continental and British street scenes in both monochrome and colour.
Diana Gamble followed with a presentation of wildlife photographs. They started with scenes taken on her phone during her very early morning walks. Early enough for no one else to be around, and local wildlife was active. Pictures of deer with calves, foxes, and superb pictures of hares. Diana’s presentation continued with wildlife shots taken on African safaris. These included  impressive shots of a family of cheetahs hunting, lions with their kill, and “acres” of wildebeest on the move. The concluding pictures were brilliant close-up photographs of gorillas. Diana explained how they were able to closely approach the family of gorillas, and take very close up dramatic portrait style pictures of these magnificent animals.
Next, Diane Berridge gave a truly fascinating talk on her interest in restoring old photographs which had faded or been damaged. Examples of restoration of old Victorian badly faded pictures were shown. The period of WW1 produced many portraits of men in uniform taken before they went off to war. Particularly interesting were the examples adding authentic colour to old photographs. A series of pictures showing The Titanic taken immediately before it’s fateful voyage, rendered in colour, were particularly impressive. A very appreciative applause concluded this presentation by BCC.  At this point our members who had visited Otmoor RSPB reserve showed a video of the starling murmuration taken on the evening.
The meeting continued with our normal Monthly Challenge, which was “Leading Lines”. Many interpretations of the theme were shown and a helpful critique was done by Martyn Pearse.

Paul Brewerton.  ADDPS.


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