St Michael's Church

Published on September 8th, 2018 | by Content Admin


Rector’s Ramblings September 2018

Harvest-Thanks giving

Our Harvest services will begin with a quote from scripture As long as the earth endures, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.” Genesis 9.22

This promise comes just after the explanation of creation and God’s promise not to wipe human kind from  the face of the earth. It sets the scene for our harvest thanksgiving, giving thanks for the gift God gives of the harvest, and those who help to produce it for us.

It also reminds us that everything we have comes from God.  The farmer plants the seed and also harvests the grain, but they cannot make a seed grow, that is God’s gift of life. Harvest is about giving thanks for God’s gifts.  For generations, even back to biblical times, people have brought harvest gifts to show their thankfulness.

Yet this year the harvest has not been easy for many. The long hot summer helps some crops but not others.  The wild fires have destroyed other crops and livelyhoods, flash floods and broken dams have left others washed out.  The micro plastics in our oceans are being digested by the fish we eat.  All is not rosey and yet all is not lost either.

The change in our climate is becoming harder to deny and many would say that we are coming to a tipping point. If things get only a little bit warmer, then the climate will run away on a warmer course and there will be nothing we can do about it.

So maybe now is the time to decide to make a difference.  The Church of England has a strategy to reduce its energy footprint and its effect on our planets ecology, so what are we doing as individuals and as community?  There is much good advice about the subject if we want to read and act on it.   Yet those who are being most hurt by these changes are those who can least afford the suffering.  Many third world producers struggle to survive let along make a profit or plan for the future.  And if the weather changes were not enough to cope with, then Brexit rears its head.  As we prepare to leave the EU then so we prepare to leave the fair trade deals with many countries that have taken years of hard work to put in place.  As our negotiators argue for the best deal for the UK as is their directive, I would want them also to negotiate for fair trade deals with our third world producers as well.  Just look at our food cupboards and see how much is home grown and how much we import.

The world is created for everybody and there is enough for everybody, and I would argue it is everybody’s responsibility to care for this creation, this planet we live on.  May we take the opportunity that harvest gives us to focus our thoughts on the world and the food it produces and those who produce it for us to eat.  May we look back with thanks and also look forward with hope and determination to do our part as stewards of creation to help ensure the seed time and harvest for future generations and peoples.                                              God Bless you all       Simon

Have a good meal and help save   All Saints Church Croughton’s, Medieval Wall Paintings

The highly acclaimed wall paintings in Croughton Church are fading into insignificance. They have been there since Medieval times and are now in need of extensive restoration. They have been described as the cradle of British painting by art connoisseurs and reminiscent of the work of Giotto. They are works of National importance.   The restoration will cost a large amount of money but before we can start to raise funds we need to establish what is actually needed and exact costs. In order to fund the initial survey two grants have been obtained but there is a small shortfall. To fund this, we will be holding a series of home lunches throughout the Autumn………….. Brian Smith

The lunches will take place at 12.30 on Wednesdays 10th October, 14th November and 12th December. There are 10 places at £15 per head which will include a welcome drink, two course meal, glass of wine and tea/coffee. Please book and pay in advance. If yon are interested or would like more information ring……… Valerie Smith on 01869 810540

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