St Michael's Church

Published on July 29th, 2019 | by Content Admin


Pastoral Letter August 2019

Rev Sue Cooper writes …..

Can you believe that we are into August already!  I always think August is a strange month.  It’s as if we enter a different time zone where nothing seems routine; Christmas is the other time this happens, but unlike Christmas, August is a time when everything slows down.   Traditionally August is holiday time, and can be a time when we can take some of the busy-ness out of life, (unless you’re a farmer).

This can be a luxury for many people nowadays.  But hopefully we try to take some time out for recreation, and when we do this we feel ourselves coming back into balance and gaining a better perspective on life.  We feel re-created through our recreation.  It has always been Gods intention that we all take regular times for rest and recreation, and in so doing we are refreshed and renewed, and often it’s what keeps us sane and well. 

But time to stop and rest is something that our fast paced world knows little about; but never the less it is God’s intention for us.  In fact it is so important that he did it himself.  Our creation story in Genesis said that on the 7th day God rested after all his work and he blessed the 7th day and made it Holy and to be set apart from the rest of the week.  This is Gods way of teaching us that we all need a rest day once a week.  The bible calls this a ‘Sabbath’, and it is for our benefit.  It is a day to stop work and do something that is recreational and life giving.  Try to make a date in your diary to always have a ‘Sabbath’ or ‘rest day’ once a week.  It doesn’t have to be on Sunday; mine is on Friday’s,  but it does need to be a day that is different from the rest of the week and set apart for rest and renewal, that way you will be able to reconnect with yourself, and with God.

This is sometimes hard to do, especially if you are looking after young children, or are a carer for somebody else.  But it is still important that you try to schedule in even small windows of time into your week so that you can have some rest and renewal,  or some ‘me time’ as it’s called nowadays.  This is essential for your own wellbeing.  However we do it, all of us need to take time out of our busy weeks if we are to stay well physically, mentally and spiritually.  This was something Jesus did regularly.  Jesus led a very busy and active life, but even so, we read in the Gospels that he often took himself off to a ‘quiet or solitary’ place to  pray and get some space, so that he could be refreshed and renewed for the busy days ahead.  If Jesus needed to do this, then so do we.  So this holiday time, enjoy your rest, where ever you are, and whatever you are doing-  but come back determined to look after yourself better by having a regular Sabbath day of rest and renewal.  A day when you stop work and do something you enjoy.  We all need it, and it is God’s will for your life!!

With love Rev Sue


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